Private London College Educated Students by Showing Videos
Image Name: Private London College
Image Credit: Student Assembly
The current revelation presented by such a study is disturbing, since it established that a private college in London is using videos and slide presentations to deliver its educational content. Such an input throws questions at the quality of education delivered and the level of engagement in the students. Of immense importance in this changing face of education, then, becomes the methods used by these educational institutions, especially when most feeble-minded service provisions regarding education are being ventured upon.
Video-Based Learning at the Top
Video-based learning has gained a trend especially in the recent past mainly because of advanced technology and availability of material online. Learners have greatly embraced video learning to supplement much of the very traditional teaching approaches in educational institutions. However, in this case, where reliance solely on videos and slides is involved as presented in this study, an ugly trend in the education sector comes to question.
Recently, there has been a college in London that uses pre-recorded videos and asks teachers to read straight from slides during classes. That does little to stimulate either the interaction with the content or thought required for critical thinking in the classroom. Educating is more than just transferring information; it is engagement with the students, creating discussion, and making children understand things more deeply.
The Effect on Student’s Learning
Education experts have always underscored the interactive nature and participation learning experiences that students must undergo in school. Students learn much more through discussions, hands-on activities, and personal feedback from educators. The conclusions drawn from this study are that this crucial aspect of a whole education may be missing at this private London college where students are being taught.
For instance, there is the un-effective preparation of students for the challenges of careers to be faced in the future. In a more competitive job market, more is looked for in graduates: better analytical skills and communications abilities, including the capacity to think critically. An education consisting of mostly passive video consumption is unlikely to equip one with these necessary skills.
Image Name: Students In London
Image Credit: The Guardian
Financial Considerations
Another important aspect of this question is the financial cost to students as well as their families. Private colleges come at a pretty penny as a matter of fact, with tuition fees running into tens of thousands of pounds a year in some cases. This is where families put in such an enormous amount of money in such ventures expecting to enjoy quality education for their children. The reliance on video-based instruction tends to lower the quality of teaching and invite the question, in fact, of what precisely the student pays for: the right to pay.
At a time when the parents believe that they are placing their child in such a great institution which provides wholesome education, discovering such a fact will inevitably make them lose trust in private colleges and, by extension, enrollment may decline and damage the reputation of such institutions.
The Call for Change
In this dawn of education, institutions can only hope to excel in the face of a changing landscape if they redefine teaching practices and focus more on offering quality education. This research is one wake-up call for private colleges on how to advance their teaching strategy for better learning among students.
Educational authorities may have to develop stricter regulations in connection with the teaching methodologies adopted by the private colleges so that students would receive an education system at par with what they deserve. The development of standards emphasizing interactive learning and student engagement, besides quality communication between educators and students, may also help improve educational standards.
The Future
The findings of this research should prompt further thinking over the role of technology in education. Though video-based learning is very useful when used appropriately, it is never a replacement for the fine principles of good teaching. Finding that golden mean between technology and other educational methods is fundamental to promoting an environment of learning and personal development.
As students and parents become more fussy about their choices, institutions are called upon to be innovating and adapting to the very dynamics of the modern educational landscape as well. Thus, any institute should strive, at the end of the day, to orient students properly so that they are given a comprehensive education enabling them to face issues in the future.
An urgent reformation in the pursuit of education is required, especially for a school like this one, paying through their nose for allegedly offering high-level education, mainly to the affluent of Britain, but still not satisfactory. As changes in the world evolve, so does education and, consequently, quality teaching and involvement from the student needs to be on top. Satisfaction of the right kind of education is not only a matter of ethics but a need to satisfy the skilled and competent workforce for society in the future.