Choosing Excellence: The Pillars of BBIS International Education

Are you in search of an exceptional international school in proximity to Berlin and Potsdam? Look no further – discover why BBIS Berlin Brandenburg International School should be your first choice, offering unparalleled advantages in education.

Internationally Accredited Curriculum
BBIS stands as a beacon of educational excellence, providing the globally recognized International Baccalaureate (IB) curriculum throughout the Primary, Middle, and Diploma years for students aged 3-19. With a remarkable teacher-to-student ratio of 1:7, the school ensures personalized attention and support for each student in English-taught regular classes.

The IB Diploma Programme (IB DP) in the upper years not only meets the high academic standards of prestigious universities worldwide but also instills vital community service experience. Students aged 16-19 undergo a transformative journey that prepares them for success beyond BBIS. In 2023, BBIS students achieved an average IB Diploma score of 34 points, surpassing the global average of 30.24 points, a testament to their exceptional dedication.

Fostering Global Citizens
Beyond academics, BBIS is dedicated to nurturing students’ lifelong skills, encompassing critical thinking, languages, and intercultural competencies. The school offers a diverse range of extra-curricular activities, encouraging students to pursue their passions, exhibit courage, and explore new horizons.

BBIS actively shapes tomorrow’s global citizens, fostering individuals capable of making positive impacts both locally and globally. The school’s mission revolves around inspiring every member of its learning community to be responsible, compassionate global citizens, contributing through inclusion, innovation, and action.

A Supportive Learning Environment
Ensuring every student feels understood, challenged, and included is a cornerstone of BBIS. The Student Support Services, working closely with staff, students, and parents, provide guidance, coaching, resources, and interventions when necessary. Embracing diversity and inclusion, BBIS acknowledges that students learn differently and tailors its approach accordingly.

The Student Support Services team specializes in overcoming barriers to learning arising from language, learning, health, behavior, or social/emotional needs. Simultaneously, they champion students striving for excellence in academics, arts, athletics, and social and emotional development.

A Truly International Community
BBIS boasts a vibrant sense of community, with students representing more than 70 countries. The school actively encourages families from around the globe to participate in and contribute to the school community. The BBIS Parent Teacher Association (PTA) plays a pivotal role in fostering school spirit, and cooperation, and enhancing student experiences.

Reflecting its global community, BBIS employs 208 staff members from over 34 countries, each contributing diverse perspectives and valuable skills. The school takes pride in its inclusive, innovative, and active community members.

World-Class Learning Facilities
Set amidst a sprawling 360,000-square-meter campus in a forested area on Berlin’s southwest border, BBIS provides an ideal environment for growth and exploration. The modern, comfortable, and well-equipped classrooms span five buildings, catering to a variety of learning needs.

BBIS boasts outstanding sports facilities, including a full-size artificial turf field and a multipurpose sports hall, enabling the hosting of German national, European, and international sporting tournaments. The centrally located BBIS Boarding House supports the personal and academic growth of 80 boarding students from Grades 9 to 12.

In essence, BBIS is a beacon of educational distinction, offering an internationally accredited curriculum, fostering global citizens, providing a supportive learning environment, cultivating a truly international community, and offering world-class learning facilities. With a commitment to excellence, BBIS stands as a premier choice for those seeking a transformative and unparalleled international education.

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