The Genius Falcons of the Falkland Islands: A Surprising Feat of Avian Cognition

Nestled in the remote Falkland Islands, far from the mainland, resides a group of avian intellectuals that defies conventional expectations. Instead of parrots or crows, these islands are home to striated caracaras, and remarkably intelligent falcons, challenging the notion that only certain bird species possess superior cognitive abilities. The Johnny Rook Project, spearheaded by Katie […]

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Apes Unveil Surprising Levels of Cooperation, Challenging Human Uniqueness

In the vast landscapes of Africa, where troops of baboons may either maintain a respectful distance or engage in conflict, a new revelation challenges the traditional view of human uniqueness. The latest research, published in Science, unveils evidence of unprecedented cooperation between two groups of apes in Africa, specifically bonobos, questioning the long-standing belief that […]

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