Author Shubhan Balvally’s fourth outing into his science fiction series ARIHANT, which is titled as ARIHANT REPROGRAMMED – MISSION MARTYRS, is nothing short of a literary marvel. In this unique and one-of-a-kind narrative, Computer scientist Suraj Singhania and his IRON armies headed by Android Leader ARIHANT and Gynoid leader AKSHITA travel back in time, to different bygone time periods during the era of India’s freedom struggle with the British Empire and try to save all the brave Indian freedom fighters who were engaged in a face-off with the British Empire but were unfortunately martyred in the bargain. These courageous protagonists go beyond the call of duty and try to prevent the partition of India with various powerful factors thwarting the same, not to mention the mighty British Empire itself!
The author Shubhan Balvally has deftly intertwined the actual historical incidents with fiction to give the readers a riveting storyline right from the beginning till the very end. Almost every chapter is laced with high octane action and gripping conversation between key characters that keeps the readers hooked throughout. And the climax ends with a grand flourish which one can never imagine.
The author yet again showcases his ‘Out of the Box’ imagination with this thrilling novel. As per AMAZON KINDLE’s AI generated summation based on customer’s reviews, the latter find the book original, innovative and a must-read. They also describe the writing style as well-written and the narrative as smart and thought-provoking.
In conclusion, ARIHANT REPROGRAMMED (Part 4) – MISSION MARTYRS presents a whole new world of storytelling that one never knew they were missing out on.
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