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Ram Govind Das emphasis to learn balance from Yoga

Renowned religious leader Swami Ram Govind Das performed yoga exercises with elderly people in Manali on the occasion of International Yoga Day.
Founder and head of global religious organization Hari Sharranam Jun wished great happiness, success, health, orderliness and joy in life to all yoga practitioners and those who wish to do yoga in the future.
Ram Govind Das said every human being desires to survive in harmony with himself and the environment. However, in the modern age, more physical and emotional desires are increasingly taking over many areas of life. As a result, more and more people suffer from physical and mental stress such as stress, anxiety, and insomnia, and there has been an imbalance in physical activity and proper exercise. This is the reason why the importance of new methods and techniques has increased to maintain and improve health as well as to maintain physical, mental and spiritual harmony.
The word “yoga” has its origin in the Sanskrit language and means “to join, gather”. Yogic exercises have a sacred effect and balance the body, mind, consciousness and spirit. and coping with difficulties.Yoga helps to develop an understanding of ourselves, the purpose of life, and our relationship with God.
Yoga on the spiritual path leads us to the eternal blissful union of the individual self with the cosmic self and to supreme knowledge. Yoga is the supreme cosmic principle. It is the Light of Life, the creative Consciousness of the universe that is ever-watchful and never sleeps; What always was, always is and always will be.
Thousands of years ago, rishis (sages and sages) in India discovered nature and the universe in their meditations. He discovered the laws of physical and spiritual governance and gained insight into the relationships in the universe. They investigated the laws of the universe, the laws and elements of nature, life on earth, and the forces and energies at work in the universe—both on the external world and on the spiritual level. They investigated the laws of the universe, the laws and elements of nature, life on earth, and the forces and energies at work in the universe—both on the external world and on the spiritual level. The unity of matter and energy, the origin of the universe and the effects of the primary forces are described and explained in the Vedas. A substantial part of this knowledge has been rediscovered and confirmed by modern science.
Ram Govind Das said the decisions about your health and well-being, about leading a more independent, happy life, are in your hands.
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