The multicultural initiative “Sab Me Ram Shashwat Shri Ram,” led by Krishna Prakash (IPS) ADG – Force One, marked a momentous occadion at Radio Pier, Colaba. The event featured the release of a commemorative postage stamp titled “Sab Me Ram Shashwat Shri Ram,” followed by the unveiling of the poetry book cover “Shashwat Swar,” authored by Krishna Prakash (IPS) ADG – Force One. The event was graced by the esteemed presence of Shri Shankaranand from the Bharatiya Shikshan Mandal, highlighting the cultural significance of the initiative.
The evening’s highlights included a captivating musical programme featuring performances by Padma Shri Hariharan, renowned singer-performer Leslee Lewis, and the talented youth icon singer Anwesshaa. The audience was also treated to a mesmerizing dance performance by Shashidhar Acharya and his group, adding a vibrant cultural dimension to the event. These performances underscored the rich heritage and artistic excellence of Indian culture.
Reflecting on the occasion, Krishna Prakash remarked, “Sab Me Ram Shashwat Shri Ram is more than an event; it is a movement to celebrate our timeless cultural heritage and to inspire unity and harmony through art and literature. The release of the postage stamp and the poetry book ‘Shashwat Swar’ symbolizes our commitment to preserving and promoting the values that define us as a society.”
The cultural extravaganza continues to captivate audiences across Mumbai with two Guinness World Record-breaking moves, showcasing the city’s dedication to cultural preservation and innovation. The celebrations, which commenced on May 31, will run at various locations until June 2, offering a unique blend of tradition and contemporary artistry to all attendees.
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