Imran Shaikh
(Founder, Profound Consulting)
Imran Shaikh is the Founder of Profound Consulting a business consulting firm based out of Pune, India. Imran has a rich corporate experience & has led organizations at CXO positions. Profound Consulting specializes in radical transformation in the financial & operational performance of companies.
Entrepreneur Vision & Inspiration
Imran Shaikh’s entrepreneur journey into Business Consulting was inspired by his experience & achievements during his corporate tenure. He was instrumental in accomplishing unprecedented growth in the Revenue & Profit for his company. The challenge of aligning the entire Supply Chain & other stake holders towards the company’s Goal & creating a win-win for all stakeholders was phenomenal. This inspired him & his conviction to help many more companies achieve such results compelled him to take a plunge into Business Consulting & started a Business Consulting firm ‘Profound Consulting’.
Business Overview
Profound Consulting helps companies struggling with Stagnant Sales & Profits, Poor Cash flow, Low Market Share, Supply Chain issues, High Inventories, Inconsistent product/service deliveries & Quality, Top management struggling to align their team. Through a unique approach Profound Consulting helps companies transform their Financial & Operational performance non-linearly.
It’s an implementation heavy business model with a clear focus on results, meeting & exceeding the Goal of the companies.
Unique Value Proposition
Imran has the conviction on the deliverables on business consulting & hence large part of the commercials are tied up with the improvement in the KPIs of the company creating a win-win approach for client & Profound Consulting. This is a sheer skin-in-the game approach driven by results.
Innovative & best practices
Profound Consulting distinguishes itself through its innovative & best business practices. It implements the cutting edge best & unique practices viz; Theory of Constraints (TOC), Lean, Six Sigma, Theory of Inventive Problem Solving (TRIZ), Data science & other customized solutions. The implementation journey focuses on a systemic & sustainable transformation of the complete organization. He believes that every organization is a set of dependent entities & to transform the organizational performance, it’s important to identify the leverage point & work with a focused approach.
Overcoming Challenges & Fostering Resilience
Profound Consulting has navigated various challenges each contributing to its growth & resilience. The covid pandemic presented unprecedented obstacles, requiring a rapid pivot to remote operations and virtual management.
Despite these challenges Profound Consulting demonstrated remarkable adaptability and resilience. It leveraged its technological expertise to support clients & associates through uncertain times, ensuring continuity in services.
Beyond external challenges, client acquisition has been the hurdle in the journey which the firm is trying to overcome through its unique business consulting proposition coupled with the promise to deliver results.
Looking ahead: Vision for the Future
As Profound Consulting continues to add value to its clients, associates & deliver results, it remains steadfast in its commitment to redefining excellence in what it does by leveraging technological solutions & transform the performance of many more companies.
Imran Shaikh
(Founder, Profound Consulting)
Linkedin: imranhshaikh-thoughtleader is
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